
About Russia

Population Million: 146,1 

Ethnic Groups: • 78{Russians  • 8
Ukrainians • 14Other

GDP, Current US$ Billion: 1,71

GDP Per Capita, Current US$: 11,65

Capital: Moscow

Largest City: Moscow

Official Languages: Russian

Spoken Languages:  Russian


Russia – the largest country on earth – emerged from a decade of post-Soviet economic and political turmoil to seek to reassert itself as a world power.

Exhıbıtıon Detaıls

Exhibition Name:
Russia International Real Estate & Investment Exhibition

Exhibition Date: 27-28 January ’23

Contact Details: info@irexpo.net

Why ReExpo 

Russia – the largest country on earth – emerged from a decade of post-Soviet economic and political turmoil to seek to reassert itself as a world power.

ReExpo focuses on attracting the highest quality of buyers, investors, and government influencers.

• Easier, faster, affordable citizenship opportunities in foreign countries

• Easy and fast purchasing process consultancy

• Multiple options under one roof to invest & to live

• Seeing competitor projects to recognize your power in the region

• Safe location, reliable service, on-site promotion• The high charm of coastal projects to live & invest